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In the Land of Dreamers

44 mins |
Canada |
  • Adventure
  • Canadian
  • Environment
  • Indigenous
Ryan Dickie, Miranda MacDougall, Callum Gunn, Harry Hill
LANGUAGE(S): English


In the Land of Dreamers tells the story of a 16 million-acre wilderness area in northeast British Columbia called the Muskwa-Kechika (M-K). Stewarded by Indigenous peoples for thousands of years, the region is the last intact wilderness area of its kind with more biodiversity, and in greater abundance, than anywhere in North America—and very few know it exists.

The story follows the friendship of Ryan Dickie, a Dene-Kwagul photographer and filmmaker from Fort Nelson, and Wayne Sawchuck, a logger turned environmentalist and guide, as they journey by horseback into the M-K to explore the symbolism of Dechinn: an ancestral Dene marker erected by Dreamers from centuries past that safeguarded sacred areas to fall back on in the case their peoples ever came across hard times. Ryan sees the symbolism of the Dechinn as the key to ensure long-term protection for species, spaces and deepening his own relationship with his culture.

Though they each grew up in industry (Ryan in Oil & Gas, Wayne in logging), they reflect on change: both the internal fight for it and the external changes of the future. With only a fraction of the area currently protected, there is a movement afoot to reassert the M-K’s protection through a new Kaska Dena-led proposal called Dene k’éh Kusān (Always Will Be There). This is a story about environmental and cultural survival and the growing pains of finding a middle-ground in the 21st century.

Playing at

This film was part of VIMFF 2023 and is no longer available for viewing.




vimff in the land of dreamers ryan dickie director

Ryan Dickie

Ryan Dickie is an Indigenous photographer based in Fort Nelson, British Columbia. Born with strong lineages from the Dene and Kwakwaka’wakw peoples, he is most at home when traversing through the remote wilderness that encompasses his ancestral homelands.

vimff in the land of dreamers miranda macdougall director

Miranda MacDougall

Miranda is an actress, writer, and director who holds a BFA in acting from the University of Windsor’s conservatory program. She transitions between the stage and screen through theatre roles like Mice and Men to guest star on CW’s the Flash. When she’s not acting, Miranda is teaching and writing with her strong command of story and narrative.

vimff in the land of dreamers callum gunn director

Callum Gunn

Callum is a co-founder, director, editor, and graphic designer at East Cherry Media. Callum brings a diverse breadth of experience from ideation to the editing bay to bring our film to life. Callum grew up on the West Coast of BC following his naturalist parents down grizzly bear trails and so his aptitudes for operating in wilderness areas will provide invaluable.

vimff in the land of dreamers harry hill director

Harry Hill

Hank is a co-founder, DP, editor, and animator at East Cherry Media and one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. Hailing originally from Memphis, Tennessee, we are lucky to have recently adopted him as Canadian citizen. Hank has a true gift in the art of filmmaking and a passion for telling important stories—especially in the conservation space.


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