Fall Series 2024 Film Submissions + Photography Competition now open!
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World Premiere
48 mins |
Canada |
  • Adventure
  • Canadian
Arnaud Bouquet, Caroline Côté, Vincent Colliard
LANGUAGE(S): English, French
| SUBTITLES: English


For more than two months, in the heart of the polar winter and over a distance of more than 1000 kilometers in complete autonomy, two explorers show endurance so that they can achieve their objectives. Through their preparations, the daily life of the expedition, the challenges and dangers such as the icy wind, bears and poor visibility, they try to reach their goal.

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This film was part of VIMFF 2022, VIMFF 2022 Tour and is no longer available for viewing.




vimff njord arnaud bouquet director

Arnaud Bouquet

Arnaud has been awarded many times in Canada for his work. As the director and director of photography Arnaud has notably designed programs for TV5, Radio-Canada, France Télévisions, ARTE, the National Film Board of Canada. Accustomed to difficult terrain and anxious to bear witness to global social and political issues, he has shot documentaries on the Haitian earthquake, the second Palestinian intifada, the Kurdish resistance against the Islamic State organization in Iraq. His filming has taken him to more than 50 countries. His first documentary feature for cinema (The Last Elephant Men, 2016) circulated in international festivals (Hot Docs, RIDM, Sunny Side, One World, International Green Film Award Berlin) where he was awarded (FICMA Barcelona, ​​Big Sky, DOCSDF Mexico).

vimff njord caroline cote director

Caroline Côté

Caroline is an adventure filmmaker residing in Montreal. She crossed Svalbard in 63 days from North to South for a total of 1123 km with her partner in the arctic winter and she did 2 major expeditions on the Antarctica Peninsula of more than 30 days. She’s always in search of new projects to film.

She recently participated in the Pull of the North Expedition, where she followed the Yukon River for over two months and traveled through Alaska to meet with Athabaskan people.

She has just returned from northern Quebec where she went to meet people from Kuujjuaq, a subject that is highlighted in an adventure documentary called Traversées/Passages currently on a world tour of festivals.

Filming in natural places, far away or in extreme conditions is her passion and her specialty. What inspires her to do this work is to share inspiring stories. Her mission is to engage people to learn more about the subject of nature conservation and surpassing oneself.

vimff njord vincent colliard director

Vincent Colliard

With a penchant for exploration, French adventurer Vincent Colliard is one of the most accomplished polar explorers of our generation whose numbered expeditions include the current crossing of the 20 largest ice caps on earth. He represents a new breed of athlete willing to bridge adventure and science, and inspire giving back environmentally on a global scale.

Vincent grew up in the Basque region between the voice of the Pyrenees mountains and the call of the Atlantic Ocean. After reading some adventure stories at the age of 17, he had a dream of exploring the most remote places on earth. Before becoming a professional explorer in 2014, Vincent remembers a few adventures which stood out of his mind.

In 2014, Vincent and Børge created the project Icelegacy, an ongoing series of expeditions crossing the 20 largest ice caps on the planet over the course of the next 10 to 15 years. Their goals were to explore these melting ice fields, raise awareness and initiate long term activism towards the conservation of these huge sources of freshwater and the ecosystems living around them. Icelegacy is Vincent’s current main project. For him, the environmental changes should be at the pinnacle of our preoccupations.

Another expedition that stands out from Vincent’s explorations is the first winter crossing of Spitsbergen, the main island of the Svalbard archipelago where he and Caroline Côté skied 1135km in 63 days, unsupported.

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