Fall Series 2024 Film Submissions + Photography Competition now open!
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vimff film the slow lane x nowp

The Slow Lane

19 mins |
Canada |
  • Biking
  • Canadian
Alexa Fay
| SUBTITLES: English


Driven by a quest to slowly explore the world on two wheels, intimately getting to know its landscapes and people, all while documenting and giving an account of what they witness, Pierre Bouchard and Janick Lemieux put the notion of lifelong dedication to the test. Since 1990, they have accumulated close to 170 000 kms pedaled and 14 years on the saddles of their bikes. Through a bikepacking trip in Quebec’s wild outback, The Slow Lane places us at the beginning of the story of these two incredible cyclists, retracing their adventures from the volcanic Pacific Ring of Fire, to the wilderness of the Russian Far East, through the arid African landscapes. A story of adventure, friendship, love and dedication that bears witness to their philosophy and unique lifestyle.

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