This film tells the story of 34-year-old Durga Rawal, the only guide of any gender from her village in Northern Nepal. In a country where boys receive an education, men seek employment in larger cities, while girls and women are often left to work on family farms and within their homes.
Durga shares a story of defying cultural, societal and familial expectations to pursue an independent life. It’s a tale about female empowerment, gender equality and how a brave young woman is forging her own trail.
This film was part of VIMFF 2022, VIMFF 2022 Tour and is no longer available for viewing.
Emily Hopcian is a storyteller and content producer with a focus on character-driven stories of outdoor adventure and social and environmental impact. In her four years with One World Play Project, she explored, shaped and directed more than 27 videos featuring stories from Brazil, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Haiti, Italy, Kenya, Myanmar, South Africa and the U.S. Throughout the past 10 years, Emily has written, directed and produced stories for National Geographic Adventure, REI Co-op Journal, She Explores, Stay Wild Magazine, RANGE Magazine, One World Play Project, Traverse Magazine and more. Currently based in Bariloche, Argentina, Emily seeks to tell the stories of everyday explorers on extraordinary adventures. She’s passionate about telling truly local stories that carry universal themes to inspire global understanding and connection.