This film tells the story of Adam, a young Glaswegian with Pakistani heritage who spent his youth embroiled in gang culture, knife crime, drug and alcohol abuse, until he set foot in the mountains. There he found the confidence and community that has redefined his life. It is a story that explores cultural heritage, identity, and connection to a landscape. At its simplest, it’s the tale of one man’s journey to becoming comfortable with the person he truly is.
This film was part of VIMFF 2023 and is no longer available for viewing.
Matt Pycroft is the Creative Director of the content creation agency Coldhouse Collective. Matt is a highly experienced filmmaker and photographer who specialises in working in remote and hostile environments. He has a passion for seeking out untold stories and has worked as both director and principal photographer on numerous world-class expeditions to places such as Greenland, Pakistan and Alaska through to extensive work for NGOs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Matt co-founded Coldhouse with the idea of creating a company of like-minded individuals that produce authentic, narrative-led content in the outdoors.