Three friends embark on an adventure where their inner child will lead them to South America on a treacherous 2500-kilometre trip by bike and raft. This film speaks to the child in all of us.
This film was part of VIMFF 2022 and is no longer available for viewing.
Surviving 10 days in the Northwest Territories and the Yukon without water, food or a GPS, crossing the Antarctic on skis, receiving an honorable mention from the Governor General of Canada in 2014 for saving 9 skiers in the Alps, surviving 4 days without water, food and winter equipment at Lake Mistassini and running 33 marathons over 7 weeks and navigating thousands of kilometers on the ocean. These are just some of the challenges that Frédéric Dion has overcome. At 44, he has presented more than 2,000 public, corporate and school conferences around the world.